5 Loops

for i in range(2):
    print("Hello, World!")
## Hello, World!
## Hello, World!

Very much unlike human beings, computers are good at executing repetitive tasks without making errors. It just so happens that boring, repetitive tasks are an inescapable part of many exciting things. Take psychological research as an example. In conducting psychological research, you may come up with a theory about human beings, about how things work between humans, or maybe between a human operator and a machine. Or, alternatively, you may have a research question, a question about how things work, how human beings function, why they make the mistakes they make. Now, what do psychologists do to find an answer to their scientific questions? Right, psychologists conduct empirical research.

Let’s say, you have a research question and you try to answer your question by setting up an empirical experiment. You invite others to participate in your research. You repeat your experimental procedure with each and every participant. Depending on the kind of research you conducted, you repeat the qualitative inspection of the generated data for each participant. And depending on the statistical tool you use, you may end up filling in the data of each and every participant by hand into your statistical software. Now, here is the good news. Programming can help you unbore (yes, that is a word) the boring and repetitive bits of your exciting research.

At the root of boring tasks often lies repetition. You repeat an experimental procedure, you repeat the same quality checks for the data of each participant, you perform the same data cleaning on each single row in a data frame, and so on. Human beings tend to make mistakes when they repeat the same task over and over again. At the same time, this is exactly where the strength of computers lies. Computers do not make mistakes when they repeat a task. When a computer makes a mistake, then it is because it was falsely instructed in the first place.

Chapter 5 introduces you to the mechanism that lies at the heart of a computer’s paramount strength, repetition; or as it is called in computer jargon: loops. The Python language has a number of features that make it easier for you as a programmer to make your computer execute those boring, repetitive tasks for you.

5.1 The for loop

for letter in "Hello":
## H
## e
## l
## l
## o

The for loop is one possibility to create repetition in a computer program. In computer science, the repeated execution of a set of statements is called iteration. The for loop iterates over a sequence of objects. Remember from chapter 4 Lists, that lists and strings are both sequences. They are ordered collections of elements, where strings are sequences of characters and lists can contain any kind of object. So what does it mean for the for loop to iterate over a sequence? It means that it visits each element in the sequence one by one, in an ordered fashion.

Regarding the syntax of for loops; a for loop begins with the for keyword, followed by the so-called loop variable. In the example above, the variable letter serves as the loop variable. The in keyword, which you encountered in chapter 4 follows on the loop variable. Then a sequence which can (amongst other things) be a list or a string is included. Finally, a colon : demarcates the end of the for statement. Semantically, the for statement in the above example says nothing else but

For each letter that exists in the word “Hello”

On each iteration of the for loop, the loop variable takes on the value of the next element in the sequence. This means that on the first iteration, the loop variable letter has the value H, on the second iteration, it has the value e, on the third iteration, its value is l, and so on. The loop variable ceases to take on a new value once it is assigned the last element of the designated sequence, in this case theo of "Hello".

Syntactically, after the for statement, the so-called loop body follows. The body of a loop specifies the statements that are to be executed on each iteration. In the example above, printing the current value of the loop variable letter is executed on each iteration of the loop.

The body of a loop needs to be indented. The end of a for loop is demarcated by indentation. Once the value of the last element in the sequence has been assigned to the loop variable, and the body of the loop has been executed, the loop terminates. The execution of the computer program is continued on the first line after the loop body, and indentation (or rather the lack thereof) demarcates this line, like so

for letter in "Hello":


Here, print("Hello") constitutes the first line after the for loop.

Instead of including a manually defined sequence in the for statement, such as the string "Hello", you can use the range method to create a list of integers. For example, you may want to repeat a certain block of statements twice. However, the block of statements may not involve a suitable sequence over which you can make a for loop iterate. In such cases, you can use the range method to create a looping mechanism, like so

for i in range(2):
    print("Hello, World!")
## Hello, World!
## Hello, World!

Unless specified otherwise, the range method initiates a list that contains each integer starting at 0 until, but excluding the specified integer between the brackets ().

## range(0, 2)

In the example above, the loop variable i will thus have two values before the loop terminates, 0 and 1. In total, the statement print("Hello, World") is therefore executed twice.

Read the documentation of the range method for further information on how to customize the sequence of integers it produces.


In summary, from the above it follows that there are at least two ways for iterating over ordered sequences of objects, such as lists and strings, using for loops. In the first strategy, you assign each element of the sequence iteratively to the loop variable, like so

a = ['a', 'b']
for i in a:
## a
## b

Following the second strategy, you access the elements of the sequence through their indices, like so

for i in range(len(a)):
## a
## b

Which way of iterating over ordered sequences you prefer is up to you. Sometimes, the problem you try to solve with your code will require one way, sometimes the other. However, when constructing loops, remember that you cannot access the elements of an unordered collection such as dictionaries using the index operator.

d = {'a': 1,
     'b': 2}
for i in range(len(d)):
## Error in py_call_impl(callable, dots$args, dots$keywords): KeyError: 0
## Detailed traceback:
##   File "<string>", line 2, in <module>

You will need to think of another way to iterate over the contents of a dictionary. You could use the keys() method to iterate over the dictionary’s keys, or the values() method for its values respectively, like so

for i in d.keys():
## a
## b
for j in d.values():
## 1
## 2

Alternatively, the items() method can be used to iterate over the key-value pairs contained in a dictionary.

for z in d.items():
## ('a', 1)
## ('b', 2)

As usual, which iteration strategy you use depends on what you try to achieve. There is not one golden solution that fits all problems.

5.2 The while loop

a = 0
b = 1

while b < 5:
    a += b
    b += b
    print("Current sum is:", a, "current value is:", b)
## Current sum is: 1 current value is: 2
## Current sum is: 3 current value is: 4
## Current sum is: 7 current value is: 8
print("This is the first line of code after the loop, the sum is:", a)
## This is the first line of code after the loop, the sum is: 7

A while loop is centered around a condition formulated in the first line of the loop, the while statement. It allows you to repeatedly execute a number of body statements as long as the condition in the while statement remains True. At the same time, this means that the body of a while loop is never executed if the loop condition is False at its initial execution.

a = 0
b = 5

while b < 5:
    a += b
    b += b
    print("Current sum is:", a, "current value is:", b)

print("This is the first line of code after the loop, the sum is:", a)
## This is the first line of code after the loop, the sum is: 0

The strategy behind while loops is that the body of the loop changes one or more (loop) variables so that the loop condition eventually becomes False. Otherwise, the loop will continue forever and we speak of an infinte loop. Infinite loops can manoeuver your program into a dead end if started unintentionally.

Note how the basic structure of the Stroop Task program is a large while loop. Unless the required number of trials has been executed or the user manually closes the program, it will keep running no matter what.

5.2.1 for or while?

At times, it may be confusing whether either a for or a while loop will suit your needs best. If you are unsure which kind of loop you should use, ask yourself the following:

  • Do I know in advance how many times I need the loop body to be executed? Problems like “searching a collection for a specified element” or “executing code a specified number of times” suggest that a for loop will suit your needs best.
  • Do I require the computations to stop when some condition is met, but I cannot tell in advance when (or if) this will happen? Chances are high that a while loop will fit your needs best in this case.

Still, as a programmer you have great freedom in choosing either for or while loops. In many cases, using either kind of loop is but a difference in perspective on the problem you try to solve with your code. In other cases, using one kind of loop will be more efficient than using the other.

5.3 The break statement

myNumber = 17
while True:
    guess = input("Enter a number:")
    if guess > 17:
        print("My number is smaller than {}".format(guess))
    elif guess < 17:
        print("My number is greater than {}".format(guess))
print("Ding, ding! Correct, my number is {}".format(myNumber))

The break statement allows you to immediately exit any loop, be it a for or a while loop. The next statement that is executed is the first line after the loop body. Interactive programs that process user input often require to exit their loops prematurely. Depending on the input given, the program may need to transition to the next state or terminate altogether.

Also note the usage of String formatting. The .format() method can be applied to any String and allows you to specify value and variable substitutions within a given String. While a detailed discussion of formatters is beyond the scope of the current chapter, a tutorial on String formatting can be found [here] (https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-use-string-formatters-in-python-3). String formatting is highly useful, no matter whether you want to export some information out of your program by writing text or Excel files, or whether you simply want to print something to the console.

The basic idea behind String formatters is that you substitute a value, a variable, or an expression that you want to insert in your String by curly brackets {}. You specify the to-be-inserted value within the method brackets, like so

print("{} participants took part in the conducted research".format(10))
## 10 participants took part in the conducted research

Formatters can manage multiple placeholders, variables and perform cool transformations on the to-be-substituted values, like rounding

n = 10
print("{0} participants took part in the conducted research. Their average score was {1:.2f}.".format(n, 25.7777))
## 10 participants took part in the conducted research. Their average score was 25.78.

Notice the usage of the positional arguments 0 and 1 to specify the order in which the to-be-substituted values n and 25.7777 are inserted in the String. Positional arguments specify the index of the to-be-inserted values within the brackets of the format method.

Here, rounding is achieved by some minor usage of format code syntax, which first specifies the position of the transformation and then the intended conversion {position:transformation}. In this case we transform 25.7777 inhabiting index 1 into a floating point with two decimals, thus the format code syntax {1:.2f}. We could as well have exchanged the two values, but that would not have made much sense, would it now?

n = 10
print("{1:.2f} participants took part in the conducted research. Their average score was {0}.".format(n, 25.7777))
## 25.78 participants took part in the conducted research. Their average score was 10.

Check out the tutorial for more information on String formatters!

5.4 Controlling the flow of your program with loops

By now you will have noticed that by default, Python faithfully executes any program in a top-down order. But what if you want to change the order in which specific parts of your program are being executed, possibly depending on external conditions such as the time of the day, or the input of a user?

The basic top-down execution order can be alterated using control flow statements. Python knows three control flow statements: if,for, and while statements. We already encountered if statements in Chapter 3 Conditionals. Control flow statements are readily used in interactive software such as the Stroop Task experiment

STATE = "welcome"
while True:

    # Changing states by user input
    for event in pygame.event.get():
        if STATE == "welcome":
            if event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_SPACE:
                STATE = "prepare_next_trial"
        if event.type == QUIT:
                STATE = "quit"

In principle, the above code can run infinitely, unless the user triggers the QUIT event.type. Note that in the original Stroop experiment, there is another condition that prevents the program from running infinitely, namely a maximum number of trials.

Within the main while loop, a for loop manages the changing of program states as a consequence of user input. To this end, the loop variable event iterates over event objects stored in an event queue, which is essentially a special sequence devised by the Pygame library. The pygame.event module knowns a number of event types, among which the KEYDOWN event, referring to the event that the user presses a key on the keyboard.

In the example above, several conditions have to be fulfilled so that the program state changes to "prepare next trial": The current program state has to be "welcome", the event has to be a KEYDOWNand the key pressed has to be SPACE. Note that in the program above, program termination can be achieved at any time through the "quit" state.

5.5 Common errors

  • Easily the most common error surrounding loops is trying to make them iterate over an integer instead of a sequence. Very often, you will want your program to modify the elements of a given sequence according to a set of statements. Logically, you will need as many iterations as elements in the sequence. This often leads to for statement definitions such as:
myList = [1,2,3,4,5]
for i in len(myList):
    myList[i] += 1
## Error in py_call_impl(callable, dots$args, dots$keywords): TypeError: 'int' object is not iterable
## Detailed traceback:
##   File "<string>", line 1, in <module>

Probably, your intention was to make the loop repeat as many times as there are elements in myList. However, len(myList) returns an integer, not a sequence object! Instead, you will have to convert the length of myList into a sequence, for instance by using range().

myList = [5,2,3,4,5]
for i in range(len(myList)):
    myList[i] += 1
## [6, 3, 4, 5, 6]

Alternatively, you can assign the values of myList iteratively to the looping variable i to avoid working with the length of the sequence.

myList = [5,2,3,4,5]
for i in myList:
    myList[myList.index(i)] += 1

## [6, 6, 3, 4, 5]

But wait, this result seems slightly different. You do get an alterated version of myList where each element is enhanced by 1 (as in the first example), but the order is messed up. That is exactly because a different strategy is devised by accessing each element directly in the for statement. Furthermore, the index() method is used to find the index of the first occurrence of the value specified within the brackets. It is because the method returns the index of the first occurence that the two strategies return different results in this case.

When you opt for either of the two looping strategies, keep in mind that you may need to go to some length to get the exact same result using both strategies. Usually, either one strategy quickly turns out to be the better, less complicated means for your end. In the above example, you could for instance have used a second list object to obtain the same result as in the first example, like so

myList = [5,2,3,4,5]
a = []
for i in myList:
    a.append(i + 1)

## [6, 3, 4, 5, 6]

Again, whether using a second list is a viable option to solve the problem at hand is totally up to what you try to achieve with your code.

  • index out of range errors tend to slip in when working with for loops.
a = [1, 'a']
b = [1, 'a', 'b']

for i in range(len(b)):
     a[i] = b[i]
## Error in py_call_impl(callable, dots$args, dots$keywords): IndexError: list assignment index out of range
## Detailed traceback:
##   File "<string>", line 2, in <module>

An index out of range error is thrown when you try to access a non-existing index in a sequence. In the example above, a has two elements, thus two valid indices (0 and 1). b on the contrary has three elements and thereby three valid indices (0, 1 and 2). The code snippet throws an error when a third index is accessed in a. Always make sure that the sequences you iterate over or intend to modify in the body of a for loop have the right amount of indices at their disposal.

  • Letting a while loop run endlessly. Unless you actively construct a while loop to terminate, it will not. This can result in all sorts of errors, but usually you will notice that your program does not enter its later states. When you construct your while loops, think well about how to terminate them. The break statement can also be an option to intentionally terminate the loop when another condition is met that is not defined in the while statement, like so
i = 5
myNumber = 13
while i > 0:
    guess = input("Enter a number:")
    if guess == myNumber:
        print("Ding, ding! Correct, my number is {}".format(myNumber))
    elif guess > myNumber:
        i -= 1
        print("My number is smaller than {}".format(guess))
        print("You may guess another {} times".format(i))
    elif guess < myNumber:
        i -= 1
        print("My number is greater than {}".format(guess))
        if i == 0:
            print("Too bad, you lost")
            print("You may guess another {} times".format(i))

In the above alteration of the guessing game, there are two ways to make the program terminate. First, you guess the number. Second, you run out of trials. The easiest way of terminating a while loop in response to user input remains using the break statement.

5.6 Debugging

Loops can (in theory) continue for an infinite amount of iterations. Imagine looping over a data set of more than 1000 experimental participants. Loops with a large amount of iterations may seem cumbersome to debug at first sight. Computers make mistakes when they are falsely instructed and they will make the same mistake over and over again, infinitely if they must. You can imagine that debugging a loop that runs over hundreds or thousands of iterations is a pain when each time you change a small piece of code you need to run all iterations before you can inspect the result of the change in code. Here, the break statement can be used to inspect the output your loop generates at a single, or a fixed amount of iterations. By doing so, you do not only save time because your program does not need to execute each iteration of the program, your output will also be less cluttered. Picture a piece of code that produces one printed line for each iteration of code, like so

for i in range(1000):
  print("Hello, World!")

Now you change a small part of the code and want to inspect its effect.

for i in range(1000):
  print("Hello " + "World" + "!")

It is unneccessary to print this one-liner a thousand times to see what is going on. Instead, you can use the break statement to print a single line.

for i in range(1000):
  print("Hello " + "World" + "!")
## Hello World!

This comes in handy when you suspect a bug in one of your loops. Remember that if there is a bug in your loop, your computer will make the same mistake over and over again. So if you identify the bug in one iteration or a small amount of iterations, it will also be present in the exact same way in the remaining iterations. Usually, you can resolve bugs in your loops based on what you inspect in a subset of iterations.

5.7 Exercises

5.7.1 Exercise 1. Following the control flow I

What is the output of the following code snippets?

for i in range(len([1,2,3])):
for i in range(len([])):
a = 0
for i in range(3):
    a += i
    print(a + i)
a = 0
b = 30
for i in range(5):
    a += i
    b -= i
print(a + b)
for i in range(1,3):
i = 10
while i > 5:
    print(i - 5)
    i -= 2
a = 2
b = (1,2)

while a != 0:
    for i in b:
        print(a + i)
    a -= 1

5.7.2 Exercise 2. Debugging I

Do the following code snippets throw an error? If they do, what goes wrong? For each exercise, only one answer is correct.

a = [4,6,8]

for i in len(a):
  • No error is thrown, the code snippet prints 4 on its first iteration, then 6, and finally 8.
  • No error is thwon, the code snippet prints 0 on its first iteration, then 1 and finally 2.
  • A TypeError is thrown because the for statement does not include a sequence to iterate over.
myNumber = 43
while True:
    guess = input("Enter a number:")
    if guess > 43:
        print("My number is smaller than {0}".format(guess))
    elif guess < 43:
        print("My number is greater than {0}".format(guess))
        print("Ding, ding! Correct, my number is {0}".format(myNumber))
  • Nothing goes wrong, once the user guesses 43, Ding, ding! Correct, my number is 43 will be printed and the program terminates.
  • No error is thrown, once the user guesses 43, Ding, ding! Correct, my number is 43 will be printed, but the program does not terminate.
  • An IndexError will be thrown by the positioning argument in the curly brackets because only one value is provided as substitution in which case using indexing is wrong.
a = [4,6]
b = [0, 1.5]
for i in a:
    for j in range(len(b)):
        print(i * b[j])
  • A TypeError is thrown because the first for statement involving the looping variable i does not include a sequence to iterate over.
  • No error is thrown, the output is of the mini program is 0, 6.0, 0, 9.0 because each element in a is multiplied by each element in b.
  • A NameError is thrown because i is an undefined variable in the body of the second for loop that starts with for j in range(len(b)).
  • No error is thrown, the output of the mini program is 0, 0, 0, 1.5 because each index in a is multiplied by each element in b.

5.7.3 Exercise 3. A guessing game

Make a Python script guessing.py that implements the following behaviour:

  • At the beginning of the script, a random number between 0 and 1000 is generated.
  • The program continuously asks for user input prompting the user with the request to enter a number.
  • If the user guesses the number correctly, the program gives feedback that the number was guessed correctly. The program also shows the number of guesses needed. Finally, the program terminates.
  • If the guessed number is too large, the program gives feedback that the number is smaller.
  • If the guessed number is too small, the program gives feedback that the number is larger.
  • If no input is given, the program should terminate. In this case, the program should terminate if the given input is empty. Hint: Use the internet to figure out how to handle empty input.

Hint: Prompting and feedback via the console is sufficient.

5.7.4 Exercise 4. Controlling the flow

Programming small interactive programs such as the guessing game helps you understand how to use control flow statements to bring about a desired behaviour in your programs. For this exercise, you will be programming an extension to the guessing game, a three digit number lock!

5.7.5 Exercise 5. Following the control flow II

Read the script below carefully. Indicate the values of the following expressions after the script has finished executing:


You can check your answers afterwards by running the script.

import numpy as np

dataset = {'p1':(21,"Female","Dutch","B-Psychology"),
           'p4':(23,"Male", "German","B-Communication_Science"),

condA = []
condB = []

ageA = []
ageB = []

for participant in dataset.keys():
    if dataset[participant][1] == "Female":
    elif dataset[participant][1] == "Male":

for participant in condA:

count = 0
while count < len(condB):
    count += 1
meanA = np.mean(ageA)
meanB = np.mean(ageB)

5.7.6 Exercise 6. Debugging II

The script below calculates some descriptives from data. The code is still somewhat buggy. Debug the script and indicate the values of fastest, slowest, and all_mean.

data = {'p1':(21,"Female","Condition B",[0.675,0.777,0.778,0.62,0.869]),
        'p2':(20,"Female","Condition A",[0.599,0.674,0.698,0.569,0.7]),
        'p3':(21,"Female","Condition A",[0.655,0.645,0.633,0.788,0.866]),
        'p4':(23,"Male", "Condition A",[0.721,0.701,0.743,0.682,0.654]),
        'p5':(20,"Male","Condition B",[0.721,0.701,0.743,0.682,0.654]),
        'p6':(19,"Male","Condition B",[0.711,0.534,0.637,0.702,0.633]),
        'p7':(19,"Male","Condition B",[0.687,0.657,0.766,0.788,0.621]),
        'p8':(24,"Female","Condition A",[0.666,0.591,0.607,0.704,0.59]),
        'p9':(23,"Female","Condition B",[0.728,0.544,0.671,0.689,0.644]),
        'p10':(18,"Male","Condition A",[0.788,0.599,0.621,0.599,0.623])

fastest = ("initialization", 100)
for participant in data:
    RTsum = 0
    for i in len(data[participant][3]):
        RTsum += data[participant][3][i]
    RTmean = RTsum/len(data[participant][3])
    if RTmean < fastest[1]:
        fastest = (participant,RTmean)
slowest = ("initialization", 0)
for participant in data:
    RTsum = 0
    for RT in participant[3]:
        RTsum += RT
    RTmean = RTsum/len(data[participant][3])
    if RTmean > slowest[1]:
        slowest = (participant,RTmean)
all_mean = 0
all_sum = 0
number_of_trials = 0
for participant in data:
    counter = 0
    while counter < len(data[participant][3]):
        all_sum += data[participant][3][counter]
all_mean = all_sum/number_of_trials*len(data)

5.7.7 Exercise 7. Nested loops

Nested data often requires nested loops for answering certain questions about the data. Let’s have a look at the list data set below. each participant has a participant number paired with a list of additional experiment information.

participants = [
    ("p1", ["Condition 1","Location A","withdrew","no audio"]),
    ("p2", ["Condition 1","Location A","no audio","no video"]),
    ("p3", ["Condition 2","Location B"]),
    ("p4", ["Condition 1","Location A","withdrew"]),
    ("p5", ["Condition 2","Location A"]),
    ("p6", ["Condition 2","Location B","withdrew"]),
    ("p7", ["Condition 1","Location A","no video"]),
    ("p8", ["Condition 1","Location B"]),
    ("p9", ["Condition 2","Location B","withdrew"]),
    ("p10",["Condition 2","Location A","withdrew"])]

If we want to know how many participants withdrew their participation we need a counter, and for each participant we need a second loop that tests each of the experiment information in turn on the "withdrew" keyword:

counter = 0
for (participant, expInfo) in participants:
        # to be implemented by you
print("The number of participants who withdrew their participation is", counter)

Implement the second for loop that iterates over the experiment information and count the number of participants who withdrew their participation.

5.7.8 Exercise 8. Data transformation using loops

  • Write a script that transforms the data set participants from Exercise 3 into a dictonary data set.
  • Extend the script with a counter mechanism that counts the number of participants who were tested at location A and location B respectively.

5.7.9 Exercise 9. Calculating a mean

For the sequence seq calculate the arithmetic mean using a while loop. Check your implementation using the mean() method of the NumPy library.

import numpy as np

seq = range(1000)

5.8 Think Further